Saturam: Stand up for Marriage Equality!

Stand up for Marriage Equality!

As the battle for equal rights continues to evolve, the fight that is most present in the media today is the fight for ‘gay marriage’. And why not? For centuries homosexuals have been forced to live in the proverbial “closet”, destined to lead a life of self-denial and deception. While it is true that homosexuals fundamentally can’t procreate and arguably suffer from some form of sexual disorder, these are not valid arguments against issuing a nationwide change in the definition of marriage.  Fortunately, activism over the years has led to widespread acceptance of not only homosexual relationships, but homosexual marriages! As the equal rights campaign so eloquently puts it on their homepage, marriage is simply “Love. Honor. Commitment.” Marriage is obviously nothing more than the product of these three qualities, right? Finally the light has been turned on and the blinders taken off. The momentum of the equal rights campaign is great and progress seems constant. So why  stop at homosexuals? Applying the three characteristics the equal rights campaign uses to define a marriage, there remain other disrespected forms of relationships.

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What I am writing about today is not for the equal marriage rights of homosexuals, but for the people living here in the Empire who have not been as lucky as the homosexuals. Their plight stands on the same argumentative footing as the homosexuals but has been kicked to curb by the equal rights campaign, leaving no progress in sight. They are our American brothers and sisters who have been left in the ‘closet’ for fostering loving relationships based on a different standpoint.  This includes polygamy, incest and trans-specie relationships. One victim of such discrimination, Joe Darger, is a Utah man who has three wives: twin sisters and their cousin. The love between the foursome is as real as any heterosexual or homosexual partnership as their family unit has lasted for over 22 years (that’s almost three times the average length of a marriage in the U.S.!) The Dargers, like all polygamists, incestuous partners, and trans-specie relationships, have to deal with constant social rebuke and inhumane laws that restrict them from marrying the person/people/animal whom they love, honor, and have unrelenting commitment to (as evidenced by the strength of their relationship despite societal disdain). According to the equal rights campaign, the Dargers have the three very special qualities that define a marriage and that ought to suffice……right? If you support gay marriage, then by what reason can you deny these other relationships the same right? Stand up for marriage equality, stand up for Joe Darger!

– Saturam